Server Side Includes
Server-side includes (SSIs) are simple, HTML-embedded directives that instruct Stronghold to execute a program or include data in the HTML document. As a shorthand alternative to CGI, server-side includes can be handy. However, like CGI, they should be used with caution and an eye for security risks.
Syntax and Directives
All SSI directives follow this format:
<!--#directive parameter="value"-->
Directives can have more than one parameter, and multiple parameters are separated by white space. The valid SSI directives are as follows:
Syntax: echo var="environment-variable"
Context: HTML
Echo inserts the value of one or more SSI environment variables.
Syntax: include file|virtual="path"
Context: HTML
The include directive inserts the text of another document, specified either as a file or a virtual file. Path must be relative to the current document in the case of a file, or it can be a virtual path. For example:
<!--#include file="sample.html"-->
<!--#include virtual="/virtual/sample.html"-->
Syntax: fsize file="path"
Context: HTML
The fsize directive inserts the size of the file specified by path, in bytes. For example:
This file is <!--#fsize file=""--> bytes.
Syntax: flasmodfile="path
Context: HTML
Similar to fsize, flastmod inserts the modification date for the file specified by path, For example:
This file was last modified on <!--#flastmod file="example.html"-->
Syntax: config errmsg|sizefmt|timefmt="string"
Context: HTML
You can use the config directive to modify the default SSI behavior. The parameters are as follows:
- errmsg: Sets the default error message. For example:
<!--#config errmsg="Error: Try again."-->
- sizefmt: Sets the format for file size data returned by the fsize directive. The string for this parameter is either "bytes" for file sizes in bytes, or "abbrev" for file sizes rounded to the nearest kilobyte. For example:
<!--#config sizefmt="abbrev"-->
- timefmt: Sets the format for dates and times returned by the flastmod directive and the DATE_LOCAL and DATE_GMT variables. The possible values for this parameter are as follows:
td>Format CodeDescription %a Abbreviated day of the week, such as "Sun" for Sunday %A Unabbreviated day of the week %b Abbreviated month, such as "Jan" for January %B Unabbreviated month %d Two-digit, numerical day of the month, such as "01" %D Numerical month, day, and year in four-digit format, such as "01/24/1997" %e Numerical day, such as "1" %H 24-hour clock hour, such as "17" %I 12-hour clock hour, such as "11" %j Numerical day of the year, such as "278" %m Numerical month, such as "11" %M Minutes, such as "08" %p am or pm %r Time, such as "08:23:17 am" %S Seconds, such as "56" %T 24-hour time, such as "23:54:56" %U Week of the year, such as "47" %w Numerical day of the week, such as "0" for Sunday and "7" for Saturday %y Year of the current century, such as "97" %z Abbreviated time zone, such as "PST"